What is life coaching

We delight in the beauty of the butterfly,

but rarely admit the changes it has

gone through to achieve that beauty"

Maya Angelou

Coaching is a method of guiding a person from where they are currently to where they want to be. It involves working in partnership with a client to set goals and priorities ~ a transformative process leading to positive change in their life.
What we believe about ourselves is often rooted in childhood and the patterns of thinking that we have built over time. These may be beliefs about how we performed at school, what our peers thought of us, how our relationships make us feel, what our boss says about our work. Simply, we can become what others think we are or should be!
As a Life Coach using neuroscience, I invite clients to become aware of these beliefs, their potential, their abilities, qualities and experiences. I encourage a client to notice their blind spots and the stories they tell themselves. Self-awareness leads to change, to letting go of old patterns, to living fully and taking steps to reaching their goal.
What has Neuroscience to do with coaching?
Human nature and behaviour have intrigued scientists for centuries, working to shed light on patterns of behaviour. Neuroscience, the study of the brain and nervous system, reveals their role in transforming incoming sensory information into actions and reactions. Becoming aware of how their brain responds, processes information and makes decisions, can lead a person to, discover their blind spots, dismantle limiting beliefs, notice biases and narrow perspectives. Through the coaching process a new path can be created that will form positive habits, thoughts, outlooks and actions that empower the person to reach their potential. The result ~ a better functioning person, less stressed, more confident and empowered.
Coaching can benefit ~
  • Relationships – partners; children; friends; work colleagues; family
  • Interview preparation
  • Career Change
  • Confidence Building
  • Stress
  • Communication skills
  • Teens
  • Parenting
  • Couples
  • Loss – relationship; bereavement; career;
What can I expect?
When you make an appointment for a coaching session, I will arrange an initial phone call with you to discover what your goal is for the session and to answer questions you may have about the process. When we meet at the clinic, we will set out a plan and begin your coaching session. If you are a couple coming for coaching, I may speak with you by phone individually first or arrange a Zoom call.